AZMED Maternity Belt - Belly Band for Pregnant Women to Support BackWaistAbdomen With Belly Brace - Breathable & Adjustable For Different Stages on Amazon.com |
About this item
- Hook and Loop closure
- Provides Gentle Compression - Supports the abdominal area and helps ease the discomfort of pregnancy by supporting your baby bump. Made from soft, lightweight materials, nobody will notice you're wearing one.
- Reduces Pregnancy Pains - This elastic maternity belt gives support to pregnant women who seek relief from hip and pelvic pains and other common stretching pains during pregnancy. Provides the lift you need to keep up with daily activities while correcting your posture and supporting abdominal muscles.
- Relieves Lower Back Pain - This belly wrap supports the excess pregnancy weight to prevent straining your back by lessening spinal pressure effectively. It gives enough stretch and compression to reduce bladder pressure and distribute the baby's weight more evenly.
- Corrects Poor Posture - while supporting weak abdominal muscles during pregnancy and even post-pregnancy. Comes in one convenient size that is fully adjustable and comfortable for everyday wear. Key Product Features
- Soft, Lightweight, and Breathable - Pregnancy belt binder that acts as a mini cradle for your little one. Motherhood is a magical journey so enjoy it and don't limit yourself with pregnancy pains and worries. Orders yours today!

Question: How would you compare this to the Braco maternity band? I'm 25 weeks now and have several hips and lower back pain. which one works better if you own both?
Answer: Hi, I bought the AZMED Maternity Band when I was 24 weeks since my belly is very low and that gave me several hips and lower back pain. Now I am 29 weeks and the only thing I can say is that I can't be without my AZMED belt. It helps by supporting my lower back with the extra weight and relieving the pain. You barely can… see more
By Amazon Customer on January 27, 2016
I prefer this to the Braco when in standing and walking a lot. The Braco is a bit easier to adjust when sitting than the Azmed and can be comfier when support is needed while sitting (like longer dives or car trips). But he Azmed has more breathable materials. If you can get both and you want support sometimes f… see more
By F. Pagan on June 12, 2016
I'm not very familiar with the other brand but this one does pretty well until you get really big :) I'm 39 weeks now so it offers little support now.
By Amazon Customer on January 28, 2016
I'm sorry, I don't own the Braco band, but I am happy with the Azmed belt.
By Amazon Customer on January 27, 2016
Reviewed in the United States on December 25, 2019
Verified Purchase
I am a plus-size lady and was a bit worried this might not fit as I was a little over 30 weeks when I purchased this. I am so pleased to say it not only fits but helps me out SO much! I have had surgery to correct my cervix and it caused my stomach muscles to weaken. Long story short after my c section (2nd pregnancy) it caused more sagging and pain with this pregnancy. When I got the maternity belt my world has literally changed! I wish I had been recommending to get one sooner as I am 31 weeks into my pregnancy now but the pain in my back feels like I'm only getting into the 20s! It is soft and very strong, so far I have not had an issue with the velcro coming undone while it's on. I have it on all the time unless I'm sleeping, it fits over my clothes which is a big plus for me so it's easier to adjust if I need to. For anyone wanting to know a rough size comparison I was a size 20/22 before pregnancy and currently a size 26 comfortably. I HIGHLY recommend this product for anyone including my fellow plus-size moms. 😁 The picture shows no belt on top and with a belt on the bottom. I hope this review helps you.
Reviewed in the United States on August 18, 2018
Verified Purchase
I had horribly debilitating pelvic pain that started in my second trimester. It wasn't just soreness, but a burning right at the front where everything connects (pubic symphysis). I had tried all of the home methods of managing that pain including wearing supportive shoes, trying to keep knees together when changing positions, keeping a pillow in between knees when sleeping, etc.
After putting this on the first time, I felt relief within 2 minutes. I wear it outside in the heat and it is still very breathable. I also keep it on to sleep.
Life Pro Tip: Bring it to an OB/Gyn appointment and talk to your doctor about how you are wearing it to be sure you are using it correctly. You don't want to have it tight, and you want to make sure you wear it low around your hips, not high on your bump like the picture shows.
KrissyTop Contributor: Baby
Reviewed in the United States on July 11, 2016
Verified Purchase
This belt is has been an absolute lifesaver for me over the past two years and is the one item I don't think I could have easily lived through while carrying twins.
While having my first daughter, I worked as a full-time teacher at a preschool with one and two-year-olds. I was on my feet for 8 hours a day in a very busy classroom, lifting and carrying toddlers and spending a good deal of time getting up and down out of the floor. I did this from before the time I became pregnant until 37 weeks, which is when our beautiful little girl arrived.
During that pregnancy, this maternity belt provided me with a great deal of relief. I often felt that my ab muscles needed more support with all of the liftings and frequently suffered from low back pain as the day (and my pregnancy) progressed. This band gave me that much-needed support and allowed me to feel much safer lifting 25-pound babies all day.
I credit the extra support provided by this band for preventing diastasis recti, as I feel that it aided in holding everything together, but I have no proof of that.
Before purchasing this belt, I was using the Shrinkx Hips belt (because I had it) and wearing it slightly higher on my hips (but lower in the front) to give my belly a slight boost. Although that did work temporarily, it did not provide me with all-day comfort and its lack of flexion concerned me in regards to my baby's safety. At around 4.5 months, I opted to try this band based on reviews and what I felt was a very reasonable price.
The AzMed band's wide, curved, mesh-like front is highly conducive to a pregnant woman's growing belly and flexes easily to allow room for growth while also supplying gentle (but tangible) support. Basically, I could breathe and move very easily in this belt without feeling pressure against my belly. The long Velcro band made it quick and easy to adjust the support level throughout the day as well. Washing and drying this band with my regular laundry did not appear to impair its durability in any way. It was a good purchase.
Fast forward 13 months. I am now days away from expecting twins, and my appreciation for this band has grown exponentially (like my belly). I began wearing it again at around 4.5-5 months (like last time) where I used it basically the same as before... low on my belly, higher on my hips, sometimes folding the front in half to provide double support and lift to boost my lower belly, which tends to endure the most strain. Once again, the belt allowed me to feel safe moving and lifting my own baby while also feeling supported. My second pregnancy, however, was nothing like my first and this band went from being nice to necessary very quickly.
At 20 weeks, I was diagnosed with a (very) short cervix and put on bed rest.
At the time, my daughter was 8 months old and there was no way around picking her up or carrying her while my husband was at work. I wore this band very snugly around my lower belly, hoping to raise it enough to take even the tiniest bit off the pressure off to avoid further shortening. My doctors (a team of wonderfully Maternal-Fetal Medicine experts) assured me that it would not prevent further shortening but did encourage me to use it for comfort or support. In all of my weekly ultrasounds to measure cervical length, I was asked to take the band off, so I have absolutely no way of knowing the impact of wearing this band, and whether it took the pressure off from helping lift my belly or added pressure from squeezing enough to cause some downward pressure, but I often wondered. More than anything, I believe this belt provided me with a little psychological support in addition to abdominal support. It made me "feel" safer, despite that I have no proof that I was.
At 20 weeks, they weren't sure we would reach 24, then 28, then 32.... we are now 36 weeks and the doctors are discussing inducing us at 38 (for the well-being of the babies - this is routine with twin pregnancies due to rising risk factors).
At 32 weeks, my abdomen was as big as it ever got with my daughter and at 35, it became very uncomfortable to move. Unlike with my first pregnancy, I have developed diastasis recti at the navel and a few fingertips below. My umbilical area is trying to herniate. I have developed hydronephrosis (basically I have a swollen kidney caused by internal pressure), and my pelvis pops with the slightest movement. Rolling over in the bed has gone from slightly uncomfortable to near impossible (without ab strength) and takes me a minimum of 10 minutes. The pain of having 40ish pounds of weight shift from one side of my uterus to the other is quite striking. Getting out of bed at all shifts the pressure so intensely that it often triggers contractions that leave me doubled over for several minutes before loosening enough to walk. But, the bottom line is, I am still pregnant after 16 weeks of cervical shortening, and that is something to celebrate. It is also something I would have been much more uncomfortable doing without this band.
This band supports my abdominal muscles, especially the ones that separated between my navel and pubic bone (which stay the sorest), and decreases the pain of walking and rolling over. I still have difficulty and pain rolling over at night, but the band holds things together well enough that I can roll over in a reasonable amount of time compared with before, and without as much strain. Walking to my doctor's appointments (located way inside of a busy hospital) is much easier, as the pressure from gravity feels much less. The contractions triggered by shifting movements are practically nonexistent with this band, since it holds things in place, and I believe that alone has helped us reach 36 weeks.
For women worried about these bands restricting their growth... I am no doctor but was reassured by a team of MFM doctors in a teaching hospital that it was safe. I also had weekly BPPs and tri-weekly growth scans and despite the tendency of twins to drop centiles after 28 weeks (and my first daughter being born under 10 percent), the twins have remained 50th percentile and above throughout this pregnancy despite continuous wear. I realize this is anecdotal, so please always ask your own doctor first.
One last note... this band is not for postpartum use and would be absolutely ineffective for use as a belly binder. It is not a flat band that sits flush against a non-pregnant woman's body but is curved outward at the mesh-like area to allow space for pregnant bellies. After birth, despite swelling and normal postpartum... stuff... the curvature is too much to provide any support, even when worn tightly. Hospital binders, the Belly Bandit, the Squeem... etc. are much stronger and provide the compression needed to hold things in place. (I used the Belly Bandit immediately postpartum, later moved into the Squeem and Shrinkx Hips, which is another story, but having used all of these, I can assure you that the AzMed will not help with these postpartum issues if that is what you are looking for).